No matter what industry you are involved in or what services you offer you cannot ignore the importance of digital marketing within your business marketing plan. The digital landscape is rapidly changing, at times it is hard to keep up with the latest social media apps, or digital advertising trends. At Gecko Marketing we believe it is important to adapt to changes within the digital landscape in order for your organisation to stay at the top. Let’s break down the top digital marketing trends of 2020 and discuss why some of the latest trends may benefit your business.
1) Facebook:
Facebook has been around for a long time however - how it is being used by organisations is changing. Facebook is becoming a platform that is for a larger demographic and is no longer purely used by the younger generations. The younger audience tend to be leaning towards a more visual interactive experience such as Instagram, Snapchat and Tiktok. It is important for companies to know who their key target market is, this can help determine the relevant platform for your advertising campaigns. Facebook for example is now becoming suitable for an older target demographic, if your future campaigns are targeted towards youth then this platform may not be right for you. Facebook messenger ads are also becoming a noticeable place for advertising, more people are using Facebook messenger as a key tool for communication. Click here to find out more about advertising in Facebook messenger.
2) The power of video marketing:
If your company is not already using video marketing as a marketing tool now would be the time to do so. Due to covid-19 and the worldwide quarantine the world has become more mobile obsessed than it already was. People are watching more videos than ever before, simply by using a mobile phone people can watch, share, and link anything a company has to offer. It is so easy to pick up a phone or camera and create a video for your audience whether it be discussing a new service or being an industry expert and teaching your customers something new. Video marketing is highly engaging, especially live videos. Live streaming is a powerful method of digital marketing when combined with influencer marketing.
3) Quality content:
is still important! In a world that seems easily tempted by click-bait news and catchy headlines, being able to share quality content with your customers is still a trend that is likely here to stay. Content marketing is an essential part of digital marketing as a whole. Producing quality content that informs, teaches, and engages your audience still stands for something especially when it comes to Google search. The advice from Google’s John Mueller is that “rather than chase the latest SEO trends, it’s more important to ensure a site has fast speeds, useful links, and well-written content.”
4) Omnichannel marketing:
Marketing across multiple social media platforms along with emails and your website is a key approach that allows businesses to reach a larger audience. You offer your audience a better user experience by having multiple ways to contact, update and inform your customers. It should also be noted is not to go unnoticed the importance of carrying out a consistent brand voice across these channels, by doing this you help to create a seamless brand message.
5) Interactive marketing:
As digital marketing evolves the need for increased engagement evolves with it. 2020 has seen a change to a more immersive experience online. What is interactive marketing? Interactive marketing is the use of embedded calculators, forums, quizzes and polls, 360 degree videos and much more. People like this type of content as it is more engaging and makes them feel more connected to a company.
6) Social media stories:
Snapchat was the first social media site to introduce the world to ‘stories’, this concept can now be found on Facebook and Instagram as well. There are many benefits to introducing stories into your digital marketing. Some benefits include being able to tag other companies, link to external sites and share your location. Along with these benefits you can also have a constant engagement with your audience in real-time, offering them videos and images of what is happening in your company. It is also a free marketing source not to mention it connects a younger audience with your brand, especially in a world eager for fast content.
The list of 2020 marketing trend’s could go on and on, with the increase in technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality and chatbots, however we think the above 6 trends are a good place to start for those looking to increase their online presence. If you want to increase your online presence contact us today – we would be happy to look at how your brand awareness could increase online.